Category Archives: Scribbles


Lost, no, not that stupid excuse for a TV series!

Lost is a state or phase I suppose; something I explore by putting lines to prose

We come into the world lost, baring the debts of what will be our upbringing’s cost

Spend lifetimes searching for purpose – like ancient warriors insearch of Argos

Some, the lucky, find it early, others eventually, the unfortunate, never

Once you do, it becomes your soul to the world, teather

But my friend how can you tell when you’re done being lost?

Is there sign like the first falling snowflake of an approaching winter’s frost?

Well, I guess there is no way to tell

Does life find you, or do you find life? Seek heaven and finding at the blade of a knife.

Sometimes I think: do I need to find myself, can’t I stay lost?

The more I find me, the less I like what the world comes to be

I want to go back to the days of a father’s love

Instead of just telling myself he is watching me..somewhere above

Been lost and found, I want to be lost again

To the world that has found me; I have nothing but disdain

Just like that said TV series.


Another 10

A decade ago I was probably sitting in a Lebanese joint in Manama chomping on some shawarma, sipping strawberry Fanta, thinking about what I needed to do to get my hands on a holographic Charizard Pokemon card. Ah life was so simple then, no worries, women and woes, no that is not in any particular order. A lot has happen this decade, some fucked up, others awesome.

I mean speaking of the messed up things –

Humanity having to hear Justin Beiber

Tsunami bitch-slapping the coasts of asia

Israel going on God mode and blowing up a 1000 Palestinians in a day

MJ passing away

The Rajapakse’s winning the election

Stupid 3-figure percentile tax on vehicles in Sri Lanka, oh wait, that goes back to the previous problem


But I guess there have been good things to come out like:

Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Failblog, Ray William Johnson


The Bugatti Veyron

Californication and Hank Moody

Oh fuck, it’s almost lunchtime, that’s all I have the time to list for now.

Wankers with crackers

So it’s Christmas again, where the parents lie to their kids about a fat guy in red crawling down their chimney and leaving presents underneath the tree and then taking off on a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer. Pfft, what is the point of telling your kids about this when they’ll eventually figure it out, like I did…..when I was 18. And there are those guys who dress up as santa and sit in malls to get ass from little kids, but worse I think are the wankers with the crackers and other fireworks. What is so exciting about seeing a roll of paper smaller than a dick just blowing up, creating noise and polluting the environment. It’s just a waste of bloody money, not to mention it causes discomfort to the pets around the noise. People really need to find something more exciting than lighting gunpowder wieners to spend the holiday. Oh well, enough rambling, on to the best part about Christmas, the booze. Merry Christmas Yo!